Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ready for a Relationship? 10 Good Tips to Know

1. The first way to know if you are ready for a relationship is to know that you are ready to have some fun with somebody. Nobody wants to be with somebody that is a drag and a bore, so be ready to have fun and be ready for a relationship!

2. If all of your past relationships have failed then be ready for a relationship that is different than those that you have had in your past. Dont stick with something because you liked it or it was fun, something else could be better and actually work!

3. Forget about your exes and everything that they did whether you liked it or not! Your new partner or date is not going to be exactly like them and that will be both good and bad. Accept this as quickly as possible and be ready for something fun and completely new!

4. Be absolutely prepared to be patient and wait for the right person to come along to spend the rest of your life (or whatever) with. This wont happen right away (or it might) but most people find that person when they least expect it. Be ready for a relationship, but be ready for the possibility of failure too!

5.Nobody at all wants to be with an intensely negative person and for this fact you need to be as positive and upbeat as possible. Being ready for a relationship means that you are ready for everything else that comes with it, only do it if you are prepared!

6. If you are embarrassed or self-conscious of your looks (first of all dont be because everybody is!) then do everything you can to change them first. A person with low self esteem based on looks isnt ready for a relationship and you dont want to go changing right away if that person likes the way you look!

7. Absolutely stay away from dating and relationships if your job is sucking away all of your time. Sooner or later you should make time, but if you are simply trying to get a foot in the door of a possible career then you are not ready for a relationship.

8. Do an intense self-evaluation before giving complete approval to the idea of being ready for a relationship. Take a good hard look at yourself and pay attention to your habits, because your significant other will tell you about them soon enough and that will only make you angry!

9. Remember what it is from previous relationships that doomed your chances of a long-term situation, from both sides. What turned you off and what turned him/her off? Chances are that could come up again, are you ready to deal with it now or later?

10. Please remember that regardless of if you agree or not, there is another person at play in your decision of if you are ready for a relationship. That other person should be respected and treated as good as you want to be, dont doom this relationship and others by disrespecting your other half.

Alex Carter is the Dating Expert for 10 Good Tips, an online help site for web surfers looking for information on a variety of topics. For more about Being Ready for a Relationship or other serious dating issues, read more from Alex at 10 Good Tips!

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